Enrolment info
New enrolments
For all new enrolment enquiries, please complete the Expression of Interest Form and we will respond as soon as possible.
Existing Playstation members can change or cancel places by contacting the Membership Officer.
Casual bookings
Existing members can make casual bookings through the Booking Officer, please email or call between 7.30am – 8.30pm.
Casual bookings can be made up to 2 weeks prior to a session, and as soon as the phone line is open at 7.30am.
Please notify the Booking Officer as early as possible if your child will not be attending a session (Please don’t leave a message on the answering machine at Playstation, as we may not check it in time!).
If you cancel a session for any reason, unfortunately it can’t be made up at a later date.
Please notify the Booking Officer at least one hour prior to the session commencing, failure to do so will incur the following costs:
Casual session – full cost of the session that has been cancelled
Playstation policy
On occasions, the Nursery may not be fully booked so an extra session may be booked, subject to availability and only on a term-by-term basis. The Membership Officer will advise parents of Nursery children if this is available.
Additional sessions may be accessed on a casual basis subject to availability in both the Nursery and Pre School. For casual fees please see below.
Casual bookings are not permitted in the Nursery term 1, as time is required to settle new babies.
Casual bookings may be made through the Booking Officer up to 2 weeks prior to a session, and as soon as the phone line is open at 7.30am each morning.
Each child may be cared for no longer than 5 hours per day and no more than 15 hours per week.
The Victorian Government implemented the No Jab No Play legislation as of 1 January 2016. As such Playstation will no longer be able to offer places to children who are not vaccinated.